Everything you need to know about boat trailer jacks
In this post we will discuss a fundamental accessory for the boat trailer: the jacks also called tongue jacks. Thanks to this equipment you can not only hook and unhook the trailer but you may [...]
Everything you need to know about gooseneck boat trailers
In the world of boat trailers there are many types of trailers for every need and surely you have heard of goose neck trailers. If you want to know a little more about this interesting [...]
The boat trailer you need
Have you ever felt lost when looking for a boat trailer? There are so many types, shapes, materials, and brands that among so much information it is difficult to choose the right trailer. There may [...]
Boat trailer rims: some of the most common questions
Every boater knows it: rims are a luxury accessory that can greatly enhance the appearance of your trailer. Read this post if you want to know more about this fabulous accessory. Aluminum or steel: which [...]
Aluminum vs steel boat trailers
When looking for a boat trailer, sooner or later the question arises: Which boat trailer is better: aluminum or steel? Although both materials are good, each has its advantages and disadvantages. In this article we [...]
What you should know about boat trailer brakes
In this post we will conduct a useful question and answer session on the categories into which boat trailer brakes are classified, one of the most complex and important accessories of your boat trailer. What [...]
Let’s talk about the suspension for your boat trailer
Behind every boat trailer for sale, there is an important aspect that sometimes goes unnoticed and that is the suspension. A good suspension equals safety for your boat and comfort on the trip because the [...]
Two important types of brakes for your boat trailer
When it comes to brakes for your boat trailer, you need to know that there are different systems and types of brakes. This, along with boat trailer tires, are two of the most important accessories [...]
Travel safely in your boat trailer
Have you just bought your boat trailer and are preparing for your first trip? We all know this exciting feeling. However, don't be blinded by enthusiasm and keep in mind that towing a boat [...]
Be careful with your trailer tires
We all know it: a boat trailer means being constantly attentive to all its accessories. One of the main accessories is the boat trailer tires. Sometimes there are users who trust and think that [...]
Tips for buying a small boat trailer
Are you looking for boat trailers for sale for your small boat? You are in the right place because we will give you some tips on how to buy the trailer that your small [...]
Protecting your boat trailer from corrosion
Every boater knows it: rust will attack your trailer at some point. This is inevitable since your boat trailer is permanently and constantly exposed to corrosive substances, mainly saltwater, sand and mud. But the [...]
Lights are one of the first accessories to think about. They are not a luxury but a real necessity. They are not just any lights, they must be functional, they must offer great visibility [...]
Galvanized steel, painted steel or Aluminum boat trailers. Which one to choose?
Boat trailers are made from different materials and they all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Which one you choose depends on your budget and the type of water you sail. Boat trailers are [...]
Boat Trailer Parts & Accessories are a determining factor when choosing your boat trailer
While Boat Trailer Parts & Accessories may not be the key factor in choosing a boat trailer, they could end up being the determining factor. Be sure to take a look at the following [...]
How to load your boat on and off of your boat trailer
The first time you launch and load your boat can be quite a stressful experience, but there is no need to panic! After a few attempts, you will have figured out the process and [...]
Things that can go wrong with your Boat Trailers
Today we want to talk about the main problems that arise with boat trailers and how they can be prevented. Lighting on Boat Trailers Boat trailer lights often fail due to the harsh environments [...]
Tips and considerations for your boat trailer
If you are new to boat trailers or to towing in general, there are a few things to keep in mind: First, ask your distributor to show you how to hook up and remove [...]
Do’s and don’ts for your boat trailer in salt water
These facts are critical to maintaining your trailer and keeping salt corrosion at bay. Depending on exactly where you live, you'll want to go with an aluminum trailer. If you live in a wet [...]
Pontoon boat trailers
Bunk Style Pontoon boat trailers It has bunks that hold each toon in place. The toons are placed in the bunks and are less susceptible to swaying and shifting while towing down the road. [...]
Boat trailer maintenance
What can I do to make sure my boat trailer is properly maintained? BAD 2D BONE TRAILERS, Aluminum Boat Trailers recommends regular maintenance during the boating season as follows: Lights, wiring, coupler action, safety [...]
What you need to know about the nuts on your boat trailer
How often should I check that the wheel nuts are tight? Wheel nuts should be checked before EVERY use of the trailer! Using a torque wrench, make sure the lugs are tightened to 85 [...]
Frequently asked questions about boat trailers
Should I rinse my trailer after use? A fresh water rinse can prolong the life of the trailer. This will minimize the amount of time saltwater remains on vulnerable components such as hardware and [...]
What are the pros and cons of leaf-sprung and torsion axles?
Both torsion and suspensions have a record of reliability. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but it all depends on your preference because both work very well in their own way. Torsion axles Are composed [...]