boat trailer torsion axle

Everything you need to know about gooseneck boat trailers

[fusion_dropcap color=”” boxed=”yes” boxed_radius=”0px” class=”” id=””]I[/fusion_dropcap]n the world of boat trailers there are many types of trailers for every need and surely you have heard of goose neck trailers. If you want to know a little more about this interesting type of trailers keep reading this post.

What is a gooseneck trailer?

While all other boat trailers have a normal hitch, this type of trailer has a long, curved neck that attaches directly to the platform of a pickup truck. In other words, the hitch of the gooseneck trailer overlaps the back platform of the truck instead of just attaching to the hitch like other boat trailers.

Advantages and disadvantages

This special setup of the gooseneck trailer is ideal for large and heavy boats because the trailer is better fixed to the rear of the truck.

In addition, the ride is much more stable. Its setup makes driving more comfortable and stable than with a regular trailer.

On the other hand, if you are in an unsecure área, this type of trailer is definitely your best option because it is much safer and it is more difficult for thieves to unlock this type of trailer.

The only disadvantage of this type of trailer is that it is essential to have a vehicle with a gooseneck  setup on the bed of your truck. If you do not have this type of vehicle, this trailer is of no use.

You already know what a gooseneck trailer is and now you are be able to weigh the advantages and disadvantages if you are interested in buying one. It is an ideal trailer in terms of stability and safety.