boat trailer torsion axle

Here’s how to change the winch strap

[fusion_dropcap color=”” boxed=”yes” boxed_radius=”0px” class=”” id=””]I[/fusion_dropcap]s your winch not working properly? Wait a minute, don’t change it yet, it could just be the strap! Before you go shopping for a new winch, check the strap. It may be damaged and it’s not difficult to change it. Here’s the step-by-step.

Buy the right strap

It seems obvious, but it’s worth remembering. Each winch requires a strap with a special size. Check the specs or the manufacturer’s instructions for the size and type of strap. Some of the better rated brands are: Fulton and Dutton Lainson.

Remove the strap and loosen the central bolt

Unwind the strap as far as it will go and loosen the center bolt with a wrench. When it is loose, the old strap can be removed. At the same time you can check the internal condition of the bolt. Make sure it is not rusted or bent. You can also clean the winch drum.

Install the new strap and rewind 

You must slide the center bolt into the winch drum and slide it through the loop sewn into the end of the new strap. Once done tighten the bolt nuts. Remember that these should not be too tight so that the axis remains mobile. After doing this, you wind it up using the winch handle.

Finally, remember that the other end of the winch strap has a hook that you must attach to the boat’s ring. Wind until the strap is tight.

These simple steps prevent us from replacing an expensive part such as a winch. All you have to do is get the right size strap. Remember that each winch requires a special size that is usually found in the specs of the old strap.

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